Banksia Gardens Community Services continues to impress with its track record of excellence in the delivery of education and community programs. The organisation’s work has been recognised at a local, state and national level.
This dynamic organisation has managed to recruit some of the most inspiring and dedicated staff, who help attract a wide range of local residents to get involved in the services offered.
Critical to the success of the organisation is the quality and commitment of its 85+ staff, who gather 500 years of experience in community development and education, speak 23 languages and who have allowed Banksia Gardens to partner with dozens of organisations of varying types and sizes over the last 44 years. The following section provides a summary of the skills and experience that the Banksia Gardens team bring to work every day.
Executive management

Gina Dougall GAICD
Chief Executive Officer
M. Public HeaLth, Australian institute of comany directors Graduate, BA Recreation, Dip Education, Dip Business Management, Dip Counselling
Gina serves on several boards an committees in the region, with roles on the board of Broadmeadows Revitalisation, North West Metropolitan Partnership, Neighbourhood House Victoria and Hume Jobs Taskforce. Gina has held previous positions as Chair of the Hume Victoria and Hume Jobs Taskforces, Chair of the Hume Whittlesea LLEN and Chair of the Hume early years partnership. Gina holds a Masters of Public Health, along with formal qualifications in arts, education and business management. She has been admitted as a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. She is passionate about Health and loves her role as a board member on Sunbury Cobalt Community Health. Gina is a passionate supporter of the Saints, has three adult children and is a grandmother.

Jaime de Loma-Osorio Ricon
Deputy Chief Executive Officer, director NCESE
M.Sc. Applied Physics, Master of Engineering
Jaime has had a long association with Banksia Gardens, where he started volunteering as a mathematics tutor a decade ago. In his role, Jaime has been responsible for the establishment of many of the organisation’s current programs and he played a pivotal role in the redevelopment of the organisation’s headquarters. Jaime’s interests are quite diverse and include social and environmental issues, science and languages. Jaime has been a volunteer translator with Greenpeace International for over 11 years and has sat on a number of not-for-profit boards.

Georgina Wheeler
M.Health and human services, B. Health Sciences (Public Health), B. International development, Cert IV Training and Assessment
Georgina has worked at Banksia Gardens for over six years across diverse areas including youth education sustainability and social enterprise. Between 2020 – 2023, she travelled as an English teacher in primary schools in Thailand. Currently Georgina manages the Business Services Team at Banksia. She loves the work environment at Banksia Gardens and the close connection that the organisation has with the community

Paul Atkinson
Manager Community Development and Youth
Master of Peace and Conflict Studies

Dr Rana Tbaileh
Manager Training and Employment
PhD Engineering, Adv Dip Business Management, Cert IV TAE, Cert IV TESOL
Rana was first involved in Banksia Gardens as a volunteer tutor, soon becoming a Project Coordinator in the Community Development Department. Working at Banksia Gardens has allowed Rana to pursue her passion in the education and teaching field, demonstrated through her role as an adult education trainer and extensive experience, which led her to her current role. Rana enjoys the friendly, supportive and team spirit that shines at Banksia Gardens, and is looking forward to future developments, both personally and professionally through her career.

Dr Edgar Caballero Aspe
Education and Sustainability Coordinator
PhD Philosophy, Master of Science (Environmental Biology), Grad Cert Marine and Coastal Sciences, Bachelor of Science (Marine Biology)
Edgar has a strong background in education and biological sciences. He has many years of experience teaching and working with multicultural youth from Mexico, the United States and Australia. Edgar complete his PhD in Environmental Education, researching his interest in creating innovative and educative experiences and opportunities for young people. He is part of a network of emerging environmental leaders after participating in the ‘Global Environmental Summer Academy’ in Switzerland. He loves speaking languages, like his native Spanish, about different cultures of the world and sharing his Mexican food skills. Edgar also has a moving background that includes acrobatics and dance, and firmly believes that movement and creative expressions are essential elements for learning.

Georgia Ransome
Good People Act Now Coordinator
Bachelor of Health Sciences
Georgia first came to Banksia Gardens in 2017 as a volunteer for the GPAN Project. She undertook her final university placement in the same year with the Community Development team. She continued to volunteer for GPAN for a number of years and first stepped into the role of Gender Equity Coordinator in 2020. She is a passionate feminist and committed to helping create a gender equitable future.
Georgia loves travelling, DIY home renovations and spending time with her family, friends and her dog, Ollie.

Michael Mansour
Kenley Court Neighbourhood House Coordinator
Master of Social Science (International Development), Bachelor of Electrical Engineering
Michael is a community development practitioner with a background in engineering. Before joining Banksia Gardens, Michael was a project and community development worker in Sudan for three years, working with marginalised and ethic groups in the education, health and social sectors. Michael also volunteered in several community development projects in Egypt, Philippines and Australia. His practice is influenced by participatory principles and approaches to development. His strong passion for social justice led him to participate in the Egyptian Revolution in 2011. Michael loves reading, travelling and connecting with people from different backgrounds.

Dhammika Jayawardene
Finance & Payroll Coordinator

Jonathan Chee
WPI Coordinator
BA (Philosophy), Grad Dip Ed, AssocDeg Prof Writ & Edit, Cert IV TAE, CELTA

Tash Alabakov
Youth Transitions Coordinator
Bachelor of Health Promotion, Cert Education Support
Tash first came to Banksia Gardens Community Services as a volunteer in mid 2012, assisting in Study Groups and encouraging friendly competition in weekly pick up games on the outdoor basketball court with local youth. She has since become one of Banksia Gardens’ Youth Engagement Officers, leading the Youth Transitions Program and supporting newly arrived young people into work, study and volunteer opportunities. Tash also helps facilitate various primary and high school activities as part of Social Cohesion Through Education projects.
Tash has worked in schools and local councils, and she loves all sports. Tash hopes to empower and engage local youth in making lifestyle choices that impact positively on their health, and encourages youth-led participation in projects and programs.

Astrid Decloux
Project real team leader

Dr Eric Dommers
Northern Centre for Excellence in School Engagement (NCESE) senior advisor, strategy and research
Doctor of education, HDipTeachSec, Cert Health Prog Eval, Cert ProjManagement
Prior to taking up a role as Co-Director, Northern Centre for Excellence in School Engagement (NCESE), Eric worked at the Brotherhood of St Laurence Research & Policy Centre as Principal Research Fellow, Inclusive Education – where he also worked on the evaluation of Project REAL. Prior to that, Eric worked at the University of Melbourne, as Barr Research Fellow, School of Social and Political Sciences, and as Evaluation Manager – Social Inclusion Projects, Queensland Department of Communities.
In addition to working in evaluation and research roles, Eric also has an extensive background in health and education, with roles including Manager, Organisational Health, Queensland Department of Education; Principal Policy Advisor, Primary Health Care & General Practice, with Qld Health; Director of Strategic Research; QDGP; CEO, Brisbane Inner South Division of General Practice; Director, National Nutrition Education in Schools project, Queensland University of Technology; and Schools Programs Manager, National Heart Foundation (Vic).
Eric has a doctorate in Education, as well as qualifications in evaluation from Melbourne University, and Project Management.

Nick Richardson
Common green coordinator

Olive Mavromati Bourke
Marketing and communications coordinator

Kylie Aloi

Bodhi Sweeny
Study Group & School Holiday Program Team LEader

Tod Myles
Food Pantry coordinator

Bridget McHenry
Project real learning specialist

Dilini Patibendige
Aiming high coordinator

Tess Cheetham
sustainability leader
Saida Nur
youth and engagement coordinator
Zakhia Nisha
office coordinator
Business Services Team

Georgina Wheeler
Manager People, Finance and Operations

Dhammika Jayawardene
Finance and Payroll Coordinator

Kylie Aloi

Olive Mavromati - Bourke
Zakhia Nisha
Office coordinator

Parwana Ahmadzai
administration assistant

Ann Pavlovic
Great Young Movers coordinator

Dana Ghawi
Early Years Community Worker
Training and Employment Team

Dr Rana Tbaileh
Manager Training and Employment

Tod Myles
Food Pantry coordinator

Usama Al Ogidi
IT tutor / Systems officer

Usama Al Ogidi
IT tutor / Systems officer

Jamil El Sabayn
English Tutor

Fatme Al Rai
Sewing tutor
Gamze Coruk-Kiratlioglu
Cavide Ulusoylu
Mathew Colbourn
Kenley Court Neighbourhood House Team

Michael Mansour
Kenley Court Neighbourhood House Coordinator

Thaera Yonan
Client Support Officer & Towards Equality Facilitator

Gagandeep Sharma
Towards equality facilitator

Siyoda Jayawardene
Towards equality facilitator

Nella Centorbi
Girls circle facilitator

Rukaya Elmoustafa
Playcircle facilitator
Community Development and Youth

Paul Atkinson

Melodie Radatti

Tash Alabakov
Youth transitions coordinator
Saida Nur

Paulina Sanchez
community development officer

Emma Russell

Najelt Akot

Sofia Rose
Case manager youth

Fadi Batikha
Corinne Rugolo
John Rutter
Igor Pejic
NCESE & Project REAL Team

Jaime de Loma-Osorio Ricon
Deputy Chief Executive Officer, director NCESE

Dr Eric Dommers
Co-Director Northern Centre for Excellence in School Engagement

Seral Fehmi
NCESE/ Project REAL Lead Teacher

Astrid Decloux
Project real team lead
Anne Epstein
Project real team leader

Olivia Gorman
Project real teacher

Brdiget McHenry
Learning specialist - student engagement

Fakaoho Tupou
Youth Engagement Learning Mentor

David Thompson
Youth Engagement Learning Mentor
Hoosai Farotan
Youth Engagement Learning Mentor
Gender Equity Team

Georgia Ransome

Tash Giusti
Education and Sustainability

Tess Cheetham
Youth and sustainability education officer

Bodhi Sweeny
After-School Program Team LEader

Edgar Caballero Aspe
Education and Sustainability Coordinator

Suzanne Wilsom
Garden support worker

Cheylee Fiddler
Garden support worker

Nick Richardson

Nathan Nelson
Community connector - broady bikes
Aiming High VCE Support Team

Dilini Patibendage
Aiming High program coordinator

Luyee Bai
Aiming high program Tutor
Community Development Programs Team

Ann Pavlovic
Great Young Movers coordinator

Dana Ghawi
Early Years Community Worker
Common Bean Cafe Team

Pinar Akgol
Cafe Supervisor at DPV Health

Maddisyn Lang
Common bean cafe Trainee
Maddie has been a cafe assistant at the Common Bean Cafe since 2022. She was one of the first cafe assistants in the new Common Bean Cafe at the DPV health clinic when it opened. Maddie looks after opening and closing of the cafe and well as making phenomenal coffee. She has had previous experience working in the hospitality sector bringing experience from working in Bakers Delight. She brings her knowledge from working in these environment to make superb coffee at the Common Bean Cafe.
“Working in the Common Bean Cafe is different because it is an environment which more relaxed and has allowed me to grow in so many different areas. My mentors and supervisors have taught me so much and I always feel like there’s a notion of leaning and expanding my knowledge one way or another.”

Antonia Barnes
Common bean cafe assistant
Toni is a cafe assistant working at the Common Bean Cafe based in the DPV health clinic. This is her first time working in the hospitality industry and so far she has learnt an array of skills including how to operate an espresso machine to make all sorts of coffee. She enjoys working in the cafe as it allows her to meet a wide range of people while working with Terina.
“As a trainee, I feel like I’ve gained a lot. I’ve learnt how to make different types of foods and how to prepare espresso-based drinks – lots of iced coffees for summer! And meeting new people each day has helped build my confidence and working as part of a team has been fun. I actually feel pretty confident in my skills now which has helped build my confidence for future work in the industry.”
Facilities Team

Puspa Acharya
Lead Maintenance Officer

Ambar Chhetri
Maintenance Officer

Harry Sahin